
Who are the Scallies?

Scallies or Scallywags is a subculture that was born in the UK. This group of people adopted a street fashion style, which includes for example; a baseball cap, a branded sportwear. The girls usually wear  'scrunchies' and with a lot of make up on their face. In general they are all very apparescent because they are identified by their 'pants-tucjed-in-socks'. 

This subculture is mostly originated in Liverpool, the burst of this band has been tremendous. Their english is not proper, they use synthetic syllables sounds. Their style is particular due to their way of speaking, walking, dressing and acting.

Their style:

Scallies are noticed by their way of walking hoardings for all top labels, they all smoke, they start usually very early. All males shave their head, and they put earrings. Scallies are usually homophobic. They use the word 'gay' for offensing people. Scallies are agressive if they know that someone is homosexual. They continue to have a repressive behaviour, they try to look  'hard', in this way all the rest of the other people are afraid of them.
Females are reconized by their bleach-blond hair. They use too much make-up. In England girls use gold earrings.
Scallies is the fastest growing section of the community.
Scallies mostly listen to Rap, House and some pop music.


Scallies appearance is attributed to socio-economic changes of the nineties. This is a subculture without any ideology. Their main goal is money. Once have it they spend it to entertainment, alcohol and cigarettes. They are not very educated and therefore they spend all their time with friends in front of pubs drinking and amusing. They do not respect people, rules and laws. They are very vulgar in they way of talking. They are enemies of all people that are different looking than they.
They usually dress with sportswear brand often with hook-heavy chain around their neck or wrist. They use white sneakers or flip flops in the hot seasons. The hair, cropped, sometimes bleached.
They go in cars put loud music. Their initial phase the music they listened was disco-polo, and later they started to listem techno and house music.
Their appearance and their vulgar behavior is what the whole subculture looks like.



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